Certain food in diet and its combinations which interrupts the metabolism, inhibits the process of formation of body tissue and have the opposite property to the body tissue is called as Viruddha Ahara. Intake of such diet lead to development of multiple health problems . In Ayurveda , this concept was explained in details where different types of viruddha ahar mentioned .
Types of Viruddha Ahara
- Desha (place) Viruddha – Consumption of food which are not compatible to the region in which person reside .For e.g. consuming oily and cold substance in marshy land lead to extreme increase of Kapha Dosha which can lead to generate kaphaj rogas (diseases)
- Kala ( Time ) Viruddha – Diet habit which are Time contradictory . Intake of cold and dry substances in winter or pungent and hot substance in the summer.
- Agni ( digestive fire) Viruddha – Intake of such Diet which is not suitable for digestive fire like Intake of heavy or hard to digest food articles when the digestive fire is low (mandagni)
- Matra (quantity) Viruddha – Dose of specific diet consumed is not correct .Intake of honey and Cow’s ghee in equal quantity.
- Satmya (wholesome) Viruddha – Intake of food articles which are not wholesome to body . Intake of cold substance by persons accustomed to hot substances.
- Dosha Viruddha – Intake of such food substances which leads to imbalance of doshas. For e.g intake of hot potency food articles by pittaj prakriti person.
- Samskara (mode of processing ) Viruddha – Using inappropriate method of preparation of specific diet which can produce poisonous effects. for e.g. peacock meat cooked in castor fire.
- Veerya (Potency ) Viruddha – Using diet having opposite Potency food articles.for e.g . fish along with milk
- Koshta Viruddha – Administration of a mild purgative in a small dose for a person having Krura Koshta(hard bowel) and administration of strong purgatives food Mrudu Koshta (soft bowel)
- Avastha (state of health) Viruddha – Consumption of food in contrast to one’s state of health,for e.g. Indulgence in Vata aggravating diet after physical stress, exercise etc
- Krama (sequence) Viruddha – consuming food articles in inappropriate sequence.for e.g If a person takes food before passing stool , consuming hot water after taking honey etc.
- Parihara Viruddha – Consumption of food which are contraindicated .for e.g.Consuming cold water immediately after hot tea .
- Upachara Viruddha – Treatment specific incompatibility.for e.g Taking cold food articles after taking ghee.
- Paka Viruddha – Diet which is not properly cooked like under-cooking, over-cooking or burned during preparation.
- Samyoga (combination) Viruddha – Food articles which are incompatible in terms of combination.e.g Intake of sour substance with milk.
- Hrudaya Viruddha – Any food substance which is not pleasant in taste.
- Sampat (Richness of quality ) Viruddha – Intake of substance that are not mature, over-mature or purified.
- Vidhi (Rules of eating ) Viruddha – Taking meals in public places
Effects of Viruddha Ahara as per Ayurveda
- Shandya (causation of sterility)
- Andhya (blindness)
- Visarpa (corelate with herpes)
- Dakodara (ascitis)
- Visphota (eruptions)
- Unmada (insanity)
- Bhagandara (fistula)
- Murcha (fainting)
- Mada (intoxication)
- Adhmana (bloating)
- Galagraha (spasmodic obstruction in throat)
- Pandu (anaemia)
- Amavisha ( poisoning due to Ama formation )
- Kilasa (type of skin disease)
- Kushta (skin disorders)
- Grahani ( IBS)
- Shotha (edema)
- Amlapitta (Hyperacidity )
- Jvara (fever)
- Peenasa ( rhinitis)
- Santana Dosha (foetal diseases)
- Mrutyu (death)
This concept of viruddha ahara which was written thousands of yrs back in Ayurveda hold a significant role to understand the increasing health problems today. If people follow the guidelines regarding diet and avoid viruddha ahara , they can prevent many health issues.
For more details , Just contact with our Senior Ayurvedic doctors.To get an appointment ,Call us +91 8256003636